Integrated Land use and Transportation Planning

Integrated Land use and Transportation Planning

The article talks about the role and possibility of influence of integrated land use on transportation planning and vice-versa. It explores how appropriate interdependency and correct correlations between the two aspects of urbanization can be useful building blocks of attaining suitability. It starts with understanding the variables of the built environment and their effects on … Read more

Integrating climate projections with spatial planning practices for sustainable urban development

Integrating climate projections with spatial planning practices for sustainable urban development

Most of the world’s population is at risk of climate change (Report C40cities), and cities are a tremendous opportunity: through the adaptation of cities, climate risks can be controlled, and vulnerable lives & assets can be protected.  The increasing frequency and severity of climate risks in cities are becoming increasingly apparent as urbanization accelerates. However, … Read more

Climate change mitigation in the Transportation sector through Urban planning

Climate change mitigation in the Transportation sector through Urban planning

Consider the principles of urban planning, employment activities and population density with respect to their potential impact on travel needs have a direct impact on car dependencies and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. City planning has a limited impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions for a brief time period, as the necessary infrastructure is under … Read more

Urban floods – Impacts of Climate change vs Urbanization

Urban floods – Impacts of Climate change vs Urbanization

Urban floods has very adverse socioeconomic effects and can cause disruptions to city administration (eg, transport, sewerage, communication and electricity supply) and damage urban infrastructure. There is increasing concern that many areas of the world will be at risk of flooding, especially in urban areas with large populations and resources. Urbanization Urbanization and urban growth … Read more